Prenuptial Agreement upheld in financial relief proceedings - NM v PM [2024] EWFC 199 (B)

News  |   3 September 2024

Written by
Amy Barnard, Trainee Solicitor

In a recent preliminary hearing in financial relief proceedings, the court upheld a pre-nuptial agreement despite dispute over the interpretation of a key clause.

The issue centred around whether three properties acquired during the marriage and held in husbands sole name were matrimonial assets or excluded under the pre-nuptial agreement. The husband argued the properties were excluded due to their conversion from premarital assets, while the wife claimed one was a second family home and should be shared. Whilst the parties did spend some time at the second family home, the court found it had not ‘matrimonialised’ the property.

The court ruled that the prenuptial agreement is clear and the properties are excluded.

This case emphasises the importance of understanding and carefully drafting a prenuptial agreement. If you are considering a prenuptial agreement, please contact the family team on 020 8290 0440.

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